Where is Theodore?

Hi Nate:

Something horrible has happened!!

We can’t find Theodore the Snore anywhere!! He is missing, gone, vanished, a no-show, AWOL. I have knocked on every door in the neighborhood and asked about Theordore, and nobody knows what happened to him.

Actually, they all looked at me a little strangely because I don’t think they’ve ever heard of a Snore actually escaping from someone’s body, but nevertheless, they haven’t seen anything that resembles Theodore.

I then played Theodore’s favorite musicals on loud speakers in our backyard, hoping that might catch his attention. If you think the neighbors thought we were nuts before this . . . well, I’m sure you can imagine what they’re thinking now.

Your Dad and I called our friends, who also reacted like we were a little crazy. Then we called the police to file a missing . . .um . . .Snore report. The police told us they’d keep their eye our for Theodore. I then asked them about an Amber Alert, but they assured me it was too early for that, and so far there was no evidence of foul play.

I think I heard them laughing as we thanked them and said “good bye”.

We’ve put “Missing Snore” signs all over the neighborhood. There’s even a notice on milk cartons where they usually put pictures of missing children. I’ve inquired about dogs that are specially trained in tracking down Snores, but apparently, no such dog exists.

I’m not sure what else to do. I’m just worried sick about Theodore. And quite frankly, all of this worrying has exhausted me. I think I’m going to lie down and take a nap. I’ll let you know how our search for Theodore is going tomorrow.
Love and kisses,


P.S. This is Dad. I know exactly where that Snore is. Boy, he is one tricky Snore. I will tell you more tomorrow, but I think your Mom is not going to be very happy with Theodore the Snore when she finds out.