The Well-being of Domestic Cats

Cat talking on phoneSasha the Rebel Cat: Letter #3
Dear Eli,

Remember how Sasha was looking for a conference on the well-being of domestic cats?

Well, it looks like she found one.

I couldn’t find her at all yesterday, and I looked everywhere for her. I even looked under the beds, but no Sasha. Then I noticed that my credit card was missing from my wallet.  I finally found it next to the phone and it was covered in gray and white cat fur.  I pressed the redial button, and the person on the other end told me that they were taking reservations for the Domestic Cat Conference, in Kittyhawk, North Carolina.  Apparently, the theme this year is “Out of the Litter Box: Reclaiming the House as One Big Toilet.” Perfect for Sasha.

I just checked the television guide, and the conference will be televised on cable late tomorrow night. I guess I should watch it to see what she is up to. I’ll let you know if anything interesting happens.


Photo by Josh Semans from Near Preston, UK (Bluebell on the phone) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons